A couple of weeks ago, I did the swim portion of a relay triathlon with my two amazing friends, Summer (who biked) and Martina (who ran). I didn't really do much prep for this; after all, I was on the swim team in high school. So what if high school was 17 years ago? Isn't there, like, muscle memory or whatever?
The swim that day was 1/2 mile, and I was fairly pleased with my 15:15 time. And though I imagined emerging from the water and running swiftly to the transition area to hand off the timing chip to Summer for the bike portion, it was ummmmm....impossible. I was wiped out, and I forced one foot in front of the other. This was a good tester event to scope out the scene, and it definitely made me see that my underachieving self who is used to performing well with little or no effort was going to have to, ahem, get her ass in gear.

For this race on August 21, I'll only be swimming 500m. Ok then, I've got one segment down. Check. Feeling pretty darn confident at this point.
Next phase--a 12 mile bike ride. I am not a bicyclist (other than leisurely family bike rides on my vintage Schwinn cruiser), and the only time in my life where I have ridden more than 10 miles is also not-so-coincidentally the first time I have hitchhiked. I've got some work to do there, clearly. Luckily, Summer kindly loaned me her husband's Panasonic DX5000 and I'm getting a crash course in bike maintenance thanks to the lovely people at The Bike Depot in Park Hill. Open bike shop hours where you can bring in your bike and
The last phase--the R. U. N. Ugh. I don't love running, and despite the fact that a 5k is nothing for some people, there are a lot of choice words I could use to describe the run, so we're not on the best terms. This phase will be about survival, although I'd really like to be able to refrain from walking.
So, folks, I'm totally training for this thing. Like, putting forth actual effort here. Every day, I'm either running (I'm close to 5k distance even though I hate it), swimming (1600m swims at the rec center during lunch at work), biking, or doing strength training (5lb. handweights for my arms and plank poses for my core), or some combination of a couple of those things. I don't have the fancy triathlon clothing (not the most flattering pieces for my figure, or budget!) and I'm not even going to come close to winning...but I'm psyched. It feels good to do something for me, like I'm reclaiming myself from years of child-bearing.
I'll let you know how the actual event goes, and if they're not too terribly embarrassing (other than the run, which I know will be), I'll post my times.